Bernie, Not Biden

Biden's record is abysmal.

Senator Sanders' platform differs from Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's.

Bernie plans to create a Green New Deal, Enhanced Medicare For All, and college without debt.

Biden helped start the war on Iraq, boosted mass incarceration, backed NAFTA, and has tried to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. He's reassured the mega-wealthy that he won't fundamentally change anything.

Here's an informative video about Biden and the war on Iraq (now completing its 17th year): 


Here's an example of how Biden has talked for years about Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare:

As David Sirota has noted, "Biden has worked with Republicans to push proposals to freeze Social Security funding, cut Social Security benefits and raise the Social Security retirement age. Biden has even been on the floor of the Senate giving speeches bragging that he tried to cut Social Security on four separate occasions. By contrast, from the moment he was sworn in as a congressman, Bernie has worked to block Social Security cuts and expand Social Security benefits."


Here is Biden talking about his crime bill:


Bernie and Biden did not agree on the crime bill: 


Bernie and Biden do not agree on corporate trade deals:


Here's more from Biden in his own words.

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  • "If we do not organize the great grassroots, we are doomed to be under the total control of corporate America. We have regressed to the days of the robber barons in the early last century -- but this time, these corporate thieves own and control the mass media. We need to organize to prevent an invasion of Iran and to extract ourselves from Iraq and Afghanistan. And we must begin to take care of our citizens." - Former U.S. Senator Jim Abourezk, early endorser of