No to Rahm Statement


Statement from Coalition of Organizations Regarding President Biden's Reported Plans to Nominate Rahm Emanuel as Ambassador to Japan

We are appalled at the reported plans to nominate Rahm Emanuel as ambassador to Japan. If the news reports are accurate, President Biden is on the verge of making a serious error. Emanuel's abysmal record as mayor of Chicago disqualifies him to represent the United States in a foreign capital. Our organizations will make sure that every senator hears, loud and clear, from constituents who will insist that this unwise nomination be rejected.

Back in March, we publicly warned against such a nomination of Emanuel. The deep concerns that we expressed at that time will now be greatly amplified:

Top diplomatic posts should only go to individuals with ethics, integrity and diplomatic skills. Emanuel possesses none of those qualifications. . . . Whether in federal or municipal office, he has been known for his abrasive, arrogant style of wielding power.

Emanuel’s disgraceful behavior as mayor of Chicago cannot be erased or ignored. At a time when the Democratic Party leadership has joined with most Americans in asserting that Black lives matter, it would be a travesty to elevate to an ambassadorship someone who has epitomized the attitude that Black lives do not matter. After being elected mayor of Chicago in 2011, Emanuel presided over a scandal-plagued administration that included the closing of 49 public schools, many in Black neighborhoods. As he faced a re-election campaign, for 13 months Emanuel’s administration suppressed a horrific dashcam video showing the death of Laquan McDonald, an African-American teenager who had been shot 16 times by a Chicago police officer as he walked away from the officer. . . . Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted: “Rahm Emanuel helped cover up the murder of Laquan McDonald. Covering up a murder is disqualifying for public leadership.”

National NAACP President Derrick Johnson said: “As the former mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel has shown us that he is not a principled leader or person. His time in public service proved to be burdened with preventable scandal and abandonment of Chicago’s most vulnerable community.”

Signing organizations
American Friends Service Committee, Chicago Office
Arab American Action Network
Black Youth Project 100
Blue America
Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Chicago Area Peace Action
Chicago Committee Against War and Racism
Demand Progress
Indivisible Chicago Alliance
Just Foreign Policy
Justice Democrats
Muslim Delegates and Allies Coalition
Peace Action
People's Action
Progressive Democrats of America
The People's Lobby
United for Peace and Justice
U.S. Palestinian Community Network
World Beyond War
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Defuse Nuclear War
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