Statement from Step Aside Joe campaign about President Biden and the 2024 race

The Step Aside Joe campaign, sponsored by, released the following statement today:

Since the heinous October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas, President Biden has been a vocal backer of Israel’s “right” to wage a horrific bombing campaign on the people of Gaza in the name of “self-defense.” Meanwhile, 66 percent of the U.S. voting public and 80 percent of Democrats have told pollsters they want the U.S. government to “call for a ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza.” Biden’s failure to call for a ceasefire reflects that he is badly out of step with public opinion.

While millions of U.S. voters struggle economically, Biden is pushing Congress for a $105 billion package that largely expands military spending, from Israel and Ukraine to Asia and the U.S.-Mexico border.

President Biden’s one-sided embrace of total war in Gaza is further weakening his prospects for re-election. A recent NBC News report, for example, found disaffection from Biden among Arab Americans and Muslim Americans in the crucial swing state of Michigan. While the broad U.S. public supports humanitarian aid to Israelis and Gazans, Biden’s push for additional military aid to Israel is opposed by 53 percent of Democrats, and it’s unlikely to win him votes from Christian evangelicals who are among the strongest supporters of a one-sided policy toward Israel/Palestine. Voters under the age of 35 and people of color – Democratic-leaning constituencies – are more likely to oppose additional arms to Israel.

In view of the ominous new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll showing Biden 6 points behind Trump, and in view of the president’s tone-deaf handling of the increasingly deadly Middle East crisis, the Step Aside Joe campaign renews its call for Biden to move aside to make way for new Democratic leadership and an open presidential primary process. The horrifying prospect of a Trumpian return to power urgently calls out for a stronger Democratic ticket.

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