Petition Creation Tips

You can start a petition on any topic. Here's our most important advice to get you started.

Go to

Click on "Start a Campaign."

1. The most important thing you write is the title. It should be a clear action, directing someone to do something. You may want to survey your friends and allies. Choose carefully. Edit as needed. Some examples, bad and good:

BAD: Uranium is Dangerous to the Environment

BAD: Don't Reverse Undoing the Hold Blocking Bill Number 46 on Uranium

GOOD: Don't Dig Up Uranium in Virginia

GOOD: Don't Lift the Ban on Uranium Mining in Virginia

2. Whom are you Petitioning? In this box put the name of your local government or of the person or business or entity that you are addressing with the petition and seeking to influence. Be formal and accurate and respectful with the name.

3. What do you want them to do? Be concise. What specific action do you want taken? Put that in this box. Don't add adjectives or explanations or motivations. That comes below. Remember: Less is more. You want busy people to sign this petition!

4. Why is this important? Now, in this box you should explain persuasively why the above action should be taken. Be concise, restrained, accurate, and to the point. Refer to additional sources of information if needed, rather than trying to include a treatise in this little box. Give us the basics, a few sentences, or a short list. Cite authoritative sources to back you up but DO NOT include links to other sites..

5. Where? If it's not a global or national action, type the location accurately in this box. Otherwise we can't help you promote it to the right people who will help you build a movement and take this online activity into the real world.

It's that easy!

Here are some well formatted petitions:

Give it a try:

If you'd like more help, contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it