RootsAction Education Fund

RootsAction Education Fund works to educate the public about economic fairness, equal rights, civil liberties, environmental protection -- and the possibilities of converting from a war economy and a war-based foreign policy to an economy and foreign policy based on social justice, human rights, and nonviolent resolution of conflicts.


Tell Cable News to Stop Lying About Student Activists and Start Interviewing Them

Cable News

How can people improve the world, if people don't know what is happening?

Click to email CNN, Fox, and MSNBC.





Tell Google Not to Fire Employees Who Oppose Genocide in Gaza


Google (jointly with Amazon) has a $1.2 billion contract with the Israeli military and government, and has fired at least 50 employees for opposing it.

Tell Google what you think with a quick email.




NYT’s War on Words: Avoid ‘Palestine,’ ‘Genocide,’ ‘Ethnic Cleansing’


Please ask the New York Times to revise its guidance on coverage of the Gaza crisis so that it is no longer banning standard descriptions and placing the most accurate characterizations of Israeli actions off limits.




Supporting Whistleblowers

Ellsberg Week 2024

RAEF has advanced the work of the late Daniel Ellsberg, including with a week of actions in 2023 and 2024.

RAEF works with many whistleblowers, including Thomas Drake and Jeffrey Sterling.




Supporting Striking Workers

The RootsAction Education Fund stands in solidarity with striking workers.

In May 2023 we released a statement, delivered food, and picketed with striking writers, who later won their demands.

For more info: click here.


Primer on Foreign Policy for Candidates Published

RootsAction Education Fund has published a Primer on Foreign Policy for Congressional Candidates.

The primer has been made public on a website and downloadable as a PDF.

Read and share, especially with Congressional candidates.

How we can help a finally freed innocent prisoner.

Lacino Hamilton imageOne of the proudest achievements ever in the history of the RootsAction network is that our activism helped free an innocent man, LACINO HAMILTON, from the Michigan prison system after 26 years behind bars.

Through all those years in prison, many of them in solitary, Lacino never gave up or gave in.

After he was freed, with your support, we helped amplify his unique voice to educate the public about the evils of mass incarceration.


Education Fund Blasts From the Past

Choose any of our recent emails and send it to your friends or your organization.



ALICE CHAN is retired from a career in commercial banking that focused on compliance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the Fair Housing Act. Since retirement, her main interests are local and national politics, and election integrity across the United States.

STEPHANIE KRISTAL has been working in the field of mental health for over 30 years. As an activist, she has facilitated free yoga and meditation classes for people living with HIV/AIDs; produced and promoted fundraising events for breast cancer research and for preservation of sacred indigenous lands, water and ancestral sites; and obtained a grant from the Rex foundation for youth at risk of imprisonment.

LIZ ILER, a lifelong activist for peace and human rights, worked for over forty years in the New York City public high schools, where she created and shepherded programs to improve science education. Thousands of underrepresented students entered college, going on to medical and engineering careers as a result of these programs. Currently Liz is living between the US and India, where she is exploring economic empowerment of women farmers.




You can make a one-time contribution to the RootsAction Education Fund with a tax-deductible donation by clicking here. Donations to the RootsAction Education Fund are primarily used for educational, non-partisan, and non-electoral activities. You can also become a sustaining donor with automatic monthly tax-deductible donations by clicking here.

We would like to thank our current RAEF Sustainers:

Delia McGrath

Anne Shumway

Janice Gintzler

Perry Hutchison

Phil Runkel

Steve Krevisky

Richard Price

Jim Wohlgemuth

Lauran Emerson

Roberta Adams

Linda I Thompson

David Zupan

Anne Merrill

James Andersen

Dianne Blais

Padma Dyvine

Dr. Edward Nuhfer

Olga Strickland

Daniel Callaghan

And many Sustainers who prefer to be anonymous.

Thank you very much for your continued support!


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